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5x8 Paperback 130 pages $12.95
ISBN: 978-09826585-12 PAPERBACK
Kindle Digital Edition $4.95
(click Kindle link to purchase eBook)
ISBN: 978-09826585-12 PAPERBACK
Kindle Digital Edition $4.95
(click Kindle link to purchase eBook)
“Poetry only appears to be elitist, its appeal is to every man.”
Writing and publishing has always been a difficult process and endeavor, and rightly so.
Today, technological advancements have opened publishing avenues to a world wide audience. This has also brought out of the shadows untold numbers of writers.
Some writers become authors, a relative few become published and a handful may become recognized. In this way, publishing really hasn’t changed at all. Although technology has redefined the industry, good story telling and readership acceptance still determines each individual author’s success.
If you are entertained or edified by the stories and poems herein you are invited to discover more, once this unknown poet’s parade has passed by.`
Writing and publishing has always been a difficult process and endeavor, and rightly so.
Today, technological advancements have opened publishing avenues to a world wide audience. This has also brought out of the shadows untold numbers of writers.
Some writers become authors, a relative few become published and a handful may become recognized. In this way, publishing really hasn’t changed at all. Although technology has redefined the industry, good story telling and readership acceptance still determines each individual author’s success.
If you are entertained or edified by the stories and poems herein you are invited to discover more, once this unknown poet’s parade has passed by.`